Theoretical perspectives in Knowledge Organization is the second track of the Knowledge Organization Education series of virtual classes. It consists of a selection of prominent and widely discussed topics in our field. Eminent international experts, book authors and university lecturers will provide overviews, offer their insights and talk about research to date and state of the art in knowledge organization research and application. Read more about speakers.

The programme includes more advanced topics presented in the way they are discussed in the contemporary research literature, taught in information science programmes or applied in the practice of knowledge organization. The classes do not follow any particular order and can be taken independently of each other.

Classes should be of interest to:

  • information science educators, students and researchers interested in knowledge organization topics;
  • students and researchers of any discipline where coherent organisation of knowledge plays a significant role (computing/IR, web design, Information Architecture, research methods, etc.);
  • practitioners interested in broader contexts, background research and the theory underpinning KO standards, tools and solutions.


07 Jan 2021

Search Engines and Knowledge Organization (or why we still need Knowledge Organization)

Birger Hjørland


14 Jan 2021

Disciplines and phenomena in knowledge organization systems

Claudio Gnoli


21 Jan 2021

Information foraging in knowledge organisations

Martin White


28 Jan 2021

Critical Description and Evaluation of Classification Schemes

Barbara Kwasnik


04 Feb 2021

Towards interoperability of KOS vocabularies

Marcia Zeng


11 Feb 2021

Automatic subject indexing and evaluation: an introduction

Koraljka Golub


18 Feb 2021

Automated indexing: implementation case studies

Marjorie Hlava


25 Feb 2021

Some reflections on genre and knowledge organization

Pauline Rafferty


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