Call For Papers

The 7th ISKO UK biennial conference "Knowledge Organization and Information Discovery: Improving User Experience, Quality and Trust" is a hybrid conference taking place on 24-25 July 2023 at University of Strathclyde, Glasgow.

Knowledge Organization (KO) techniques and tools are used to provide access to knowledge by resolving language and semantic ambiguities or by contextualising information within a larger knowledge framework or specific knowledge domain. KO facilitates logical thinking, cognition, organization and presentation processes. It is essential for data and information structuring and modelling in diverse areas of application.

The conference aims to explore the role of knowledge organization in supporting information discovery with special focus on user experience and resilience in the context of data and information overload and increased dependence on automatic information processing.

The objective of the conference is to promote discussion and understanding about the benefits of KO and the way it can encourage user engagement and interaction with information. How can KO contribute to improving the quality of information services, encourage creativity, learning and intellectual growth? How it can improve our ability to trust and understand the value of information and guard our cultural and historical knowledge?

We are looking forward to both theoretical and application-orientated contributions within the following specific topical areas or their combinations whether involving KO in general or knowledge organization systems (KOS) specifically:

  • Visualization: visualization of KOS, KOS and exploratory browsing, cognitive aspects of visualization, visualization in relation to information seeking behaviour;
  • Semantics: KO and semantic enrichment, semantic enhancement, KO and language, KO and context / contextualization;
  • Quality and Trust: the role of KO in improving information quality and trust, data quality issues, trust issues, information quality frameworks, quality assessment and enhancement;
  • Artificial Intelligence: KO and AI-based solutions, KO-supported machine learning, smart data, AI vs human logic;
  • Big Data: KO and big data;
  • Information Seeking Behaviour and KO.


Two kinds of contributions are invited: conference papers and posters. Authors should submit paper proposals in the form of an extended abstract (1000-1200 words, including references, for papers; and 500-600 words for posters). Submit your proposal via EasyChair (see instructions for submission).

Proposals will be reviewed by the Programme Committee consisting of an international panel of experts. Each submission will undergo a blind review by at least three reviewers.

The Conference proceedings will be published online as CEUR Workshop Proceedings and a selection of the six best papers will be published in the Knowledge Organization journal.

Important Dates

  • 15 March 2023 Notification of acceptance & paper submission instructions;
  • 1 May 2023 Paper submissions.


ISKO UK 2023 conference is organized by the UK Chapter of the International Society for Knowledge Organization (ISKO UK) in collaboration with the department of Computer & Information Sciences at the University of Strathclyde.

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