ISKO UK Conference 2013
Knowledge Organization - pushing the boundaries

University College London, 8-9 July 

Knowledge Organization (KO) is not just a fascinating research domain to attract our foremost thinkers; it also presents practical challenges to each of us as individuals, sorting out the files on our desktops physical and virtual, searching for inspiration via the Internet, or participating in the fora of social media. But there’s a paradox: while KO practices permeate society, the name “Knowledge Organization” is known only to a few. Invisible boundaries separate KO researchers from the practitioners who could benefit from their findings, and also come between distinct fields of application such as records management, web design, librarianship, information retrieval, etc.  his conference aims to explore such boundaries, challenge them and advance our thinking into new territory.

Session 1: Exploring the boundaries

Keynote address - Charting the edge of chaos: challenges in mapping scientific research

Patrick Lambe

Slides | Audio

Thesaurus management and user-friendliness: a contradiction? 

Helmut Nagy

Session 2: Evolution in working practices

Unlocking the data in BBC news

Jeremy Tarling and Matt Shearer

Slides | Audio

The evolution of social media and its effect on working practices

Stephen Dale

Session 3A (co-organised with UKeiG): Knowledge Management meets Knowledge Organization

The story of knowledge exchange

Ina Darsadze

Slides | Audio

The knowledge organization of organizational knowledge

Danny Budzak

The control of information assets in a knowledge management world

Dion Lindsay 

Slides | Audio

Session 3B: Ontologies combined with other tools

From knowledge organization to knowledge representation

Fausto Giunchiglia, Biswanath Dutta and Vincenzo Maltese

Slides | Audio

New ways of mapping knowledge organization systems, using a semi-automatic matching procedure for building up vocabulary crosswalks

Andreas Kempf, Dominique Ritze, Kai Eckert 

Paper | Slides | Audio

Classical art semantics information extraction

Andreas Vlachidis and Douglas Tudhope

Paper | Slides | Audio

SatTerm experience: vocabulary control and facet analysis helps improve the software requirements elicitation process

Ricardo Eito-Brun

Paper | Slides | Audio

Session 4A: Overcoming boundaries in KOS development

Rigorous facet analysis as the basis for constructing knowledge organization schemes of all kinds

Leonard Will 

Paper | Slides | Audio

Building better controlled vocabularies: Guidance from ISO 25964

Jutta Lindenthal, Detlev Balzer

Slides | Audio

Classification of digital content, media, and device types

Rebecca Green and Xiao Li Huang 

Paper, slides, audio

Session 4B: Linking divergent professional perspectives

Scholarly ecosystem collaboration potentialities: a Sage white paper update

Mary Somerville, Lettie Conrad 

Paper | Slides | Audio

The role of automated categorization in e-government information retrieval

Tanja Svarre and Marianne Lykke

Paper | Slides | Audio

Application of standardized biomedical terminologies in radiology reporting templates

Yi Hong et al  

Session 5: The innovation boundary - between research and commercial take-up

Keynote address - Bridging the gap between search and IR

Martin White  

Slides | Audio

Semantic markup of text: forty years in the wilderness 

Conrad Taylor 

Slips, trips and falls – a case study of content intelligence at work in a predictive analytics context

Jeremy Bentley and Richard Pinder

Session 6A: Crossing the vocabulary boundary

EuroVoc and thesauri from EU institutions and agencies: interoperability and perspectives for collaborative thesaurus management

Christine Laaboudi   

Slides | Audio

Challenges in providing multilingual information access 

Paul Clough

Slides | Audio

Sponsor presentation: qSKOS – integrated quality management for SKOS thesauri

Christian Mader from Pool Party

Sponsor presentation: Slips, trips and falls – a case study of content intelligence at work in a predictive analytics context

Jeremy Bentley and Richard Pinder from Smartlogic

Session 6B: Metadata mash-up

Implementing elegant, frictionless tools to enable the creation, enrichment and management of semantic metadata

Helen Lippell and Jarred McGinnis

Slides | Audio

A metadata application profile for KOS vocabulary registries

Marcia Lei Zeng and Maja Žumer 

Paper | Slides | Audio

Social tagging: Exploring the image, individual, group and game

Elena Konkova, Ayşe Göker, Richard Butterworth and Andrew MacFarlane


Session 7A: Research in practice (co-organised with LIRG)

Evidence based librarianship and information practice

Alison Brettle

The role of the research practitioner

Graham Walton

Bridging the gap between researchers and research data management

Marieke Guy

Session 7B: Taking a more fundamental approach

Is epistemological purism possible in library and information science research?

Fidelia Ibekwe and Thomas Dousa 

Slides | Audio

Boundaries between methodology and theory: classification research in its own right

Vanda Broughton


Session 8 - Crossing cultural boundaries

Voices, instruments and somewhere in-between: using musical medium to cross the knowledge organization/music boundary

Deborah Lee  

Slides | Audio

Joined-up thinking: linking and sharing Science Museum collections and content

Daniel Evans and Ailsa Jenkins 

Paper | Slides | Audio

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