1st ISKO UK Biennial Conference
Content Architecture - Exploiting and Managing Diverse Resources
University College London, 22–23 June 2009


In our networked world, enabling easy access to multiple services and resources is often reliant on a team effort involving specialists from website design, knowledge engineering, audio and video engineering, linguistics, computer science, etc. This Conference aims to bring together people from all the diverse specialisms that contribute to integrated information systems and services. This first biennial Conference of the British Chapter of the International Society for Knowledge Organization is organized in cooperation with the Department of Information Studies, University College London. Among the highlights are keynote addresses from Clifford Lynch, Director of the Coalition for Networked Information, and Professor David Crystal, the renowned author, linguist and broadcaster.

Session 1 -  Keynote address by David Crystal Semantic targeting: past, present and future  Recording

Session 2A: Multimedia challenges 

Here comes everything: managing media, text, audio, and electronic versioning 

Madi Solomon  Slides  Recording

Exploiting context awareness and annotation process to support multimedia information retrieval 

Hanene Maghrebi, Amos David   Paper   Slides

Organising music for movies 

Charles Inskip, Andy MacFarlane, Pauline Rafferty 

Paper  Slides  Recording

Session 2B: Discovering challenges

Lessons learned in content architecture harmonization and metadata models

Shana Wagger, Randi Park, Denise Bedford   Paper  Slides

Integration of distributed terminology resources to facilitate subject cross-browsing for library portal systems

Libo Eric Si, Ann O’Brien, Steve Probets  

Connotation description of terms and corresponding automatic method

Zhang Yunliang, Zhu Lijun, Qiao Xiaodong, Zhang Quan   Paper

Session 3: Image Retrieval

Still digital images – the hardest things to classify and find 

Ian Davis 

Giving meaning to content through ontology based image retrieval 

Chris Town 

Ordinary image retrieval in a multilingual context: a comparison of two indexing vocabularies 

Elaine Ménard 

Session 4A: Semantic interoperability

Excavating grey literature: a case study on rich indexing of archaeological documents by the use of natural language processing techniques and knowledge based sources 

Andreas Vlachidis, Ceri Binding, Keith May, Douglas Tudhope

Paper  Slides

Aquatic science s ubject gateway project as a model of interoperability 

Carmen Reverté Reverté, Montserrat Sebastià Salat

Paper  Slides

Session 4B: Connecting and Collaborating 

Adventures in tagging– local history in East London 

Danny Budzak  Paper Slides  Recording

The use of linguistic semantics in content analysis – the path to codification of medical prescription restrictions in the Australian Pharmaceutical Benefits Scheme (PBS) 

Matthew Hodgson  Slides

Session 5 

Keynote address by Clifford Lynch: e-Research and new challenges in knowledge structuring   Recording

Building coherence at bbc.co.uk 

Tom Scott and Michael Smethurst   Recording

Session 6A: User exploitation leads to user benefit 

An evaluation of enhancing social tagging with a knowledge organization system 

Brian Matthews, Catherine Jones, Bartłomiej Puzoń, Jim Moon, Douglas Tudhope, Koraljka Golub, Marianne Lykke Nielsen

Paper   Slides  

Biodiversity information retrieval across networked data sets

Sarinder Kaur Kashmir Singh, Kaharuddin Dimyati, Susan Lim Lee Hong, Amir Feisal Merican   Paper  Slides  Recording

Semantic metadata annotation: tagging Medline abstracts for enhanced information access 

Fidelia Ibekwe-SanJuan Paper  Slides  Recording

Session 6B: Frameworks for KO

Facet analysis as the theoretical basis of vocabulary tool construction and subject representation in real and digital environments

Vanda Broughton  Slides

Faceted classification for museum artefacts: a methodology to support web site development of large cultural organisations

Elaine Ménard, Sabine Mas, Inge Alberts  Paper  Slides   

Records management and librarianship traditions supporting information architecture for intranet/ portal environments

Christopher Milne   Paper Slides

Session 7: Potential of new technologies

Exploiting data in the cloud

Paul Miller   Recording

Large-scale grid computing for content-based image retrieval

Chris Town and Karl Harrison   Paper  Slides  Recording

Session 8 : Mapping and Modelling

Mapping FRSAD model and other abstract models

Marcia Zeng, Maja Žumer   Paper Slides  Recording 

Semantic interoperability in a comprehensive international organization system (KOS)

Felix Boteram  Paper  Slides  Recording

EIAH data model: semantic interoperability between distributed digital repositories 

Emad Khazraee, Azade Sanjari, Shadi Shakeri, Saeed Moaddeli   Paper  Slides  Recording


An integrated semantic model based on metadata and folksonomy.

Mei-Xue Wang  Poster

Application of a bilingual faceted terminological system for specialized information retrieval

Alicia F. Gomez  Poster

The paths from metadata to value - information we store with content can be used by the system to provide tools to support user navigation and to surface more relevant and intuitive content.

Helen Lippell, Peter Jordan Poster

Trying to please everybody – Taxonomies, Politics, and Objectivity

Fran Alexander   Poster Paper

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