Introduction to Knowledge Organization was the first part in the ISKO UK Knowledge Organization Education programme of virtual classes 2020-2021. The Introduction track took place from 8 October to 10 December 2020 and consisted of nine classes covering the fundamental techniques and tools of Knowledge Organization (KO). The first three classes introduced the basics, allowing participants to familiarise themselves with key concepts and terminology. These initial sessions prepared the ground for a further exploration of key components in the KO tool-box

Speakers in this series were Sylvie Davies, Vanda Broughton, Leonard Will and Stella Dextre Clarke - lecturers and the knowledge organization experts and founding members and officers of the UK Chapter of ISKO.

Presentation slides, video recordings and other materials have been made available to participants via the KO-ED Forum.

Introduction to Knowledge Organization was attended by information professionals, information science students, researchers and lecturers from 30 countries.


8 Oct 2020

Definition and scope of KO in relation to Information Retrieval

Sylvie Davies


15 Oct 2020

Content/subject analysis

Sylvie Davies


22 Oct 2020

Language of description

Sylvie Davies


29 Oct 2020

Subject headings: a word-based approach to organization and retrieval

Vanda Broughton


05 Nov 2020

General principles underlying knowledge organization systems (KOS)

Vanda Broughton


12 Nov 2020

Faceted classification

Vanda Broughton


26 Nov 2020

From concepts to knowledge organization systems

Leonard Will


03 Dec 2020

What is a thesaurus? How and Why so?

Stella Dextre Clarke


10 Dec 2020

How should today's thesaurus earn its keep?

Stella Dextre Clarke


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