Skosmos is an open-source, web-based tool for browsing and publishing SKOS controlled vocabularies, facilitating indexing, information retrieval, and vocabulary development. It is being developed by the National Library of Finland, which uses it to power the vocabulary and ontology publishing service. Many other institutions worldwide use Skosmos for publishing their own controlled vocabularies.
The upcoming major release, Skosmos 3, focuses on reimplementing the user interface with modern frameworks, featuring a new visual design, enhanced accessibility, and comprehensive automated testing. This presentation will demonstrate the current status of Skosmos 3, discuss its impact on Skosmos deployments and end users, and outline the roadmap for future steps.
About Speaker:
Dr. Osma Suominen, with a background in Computer Science, user interface design, Linked Data, and Semantic Web technologies, contributes to the development of Skosmos, vocabulary services, automated cataloguing, and AI applications at the National Library of Finland.
Details on
Slides: 2024-10-08-slides-MEETUP-OSuominen-Whats-New-in-Skosmos-3.pdf
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