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ISKO UK Hands-on Meetup - Introduction to Wikibase

  • 23 Nov 2021
  • 12:00 PM - 1:30 PM
  • Zoom

Introduction to Wikibase

There's a landscape of open-source knowledge management tools covering capabilities from taxonomy management and publication to subject indexing to document management. We started this hands-on meetup series with an introduction to VocBench, and in this instalment, we'll look into Wikibase, a powerful, flexible and customizable knowledge base software that drives Wikidata. We'll start with the overview of Wikibase basics, look into key use cases, review the data model and how it can be applied to address specific problems and give participants a chance to try it out in a shared environment.


Mohammed Sadat Abdulai is the Community Communication manager for Wikibase/Wikidata. He works hand-in-hand with the Software Department at Wikimedia Deutschland to relay feedback between Wikimedia online communities / various community volunteers and our product managers, software developers, UX team and partnerships team.

Georgina Burnett is partner relationship manager within the software development department at Wikimedia Deutschland. She works with institutions on projects related to Wikidata and Wikibase. Wikidata and Wikibase are two open-source software projects developed and maintained by the software development team at Wikimedia Deutschland.

Phil Stacey works for Barratt Homes implementing document management and fire safety in the southern counties division. Phil has over 25 years of experience in the construction industry working in design and information management. He is passionate about realising the business benefit structured data and the benefits BIM (Building Information Modeling) software can deliver through its implementation at scale, across the housing sector.

Eugene Morozov is a consultant getting his knowledge management firm off the ground. He just released Taxonomies for Confluence - a Confluence add-on that lets you use SKOS with Confluence. He also runs the Semantic Web London meetup.

To receive updates about this and other ISKO UK Meetup events join Meetup - Knowledge Organization London.

Slides from the meetup:

ISKO UK: 2021-11-23-slides-MEETUP-EMorozov.pdf

Wikimedia: 2021-11-23-slides-MEETUP-GBurnett.pdf

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