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Research Observatory: Research Repositories and Dataverse: Negotiating Metadata, Vocabularies and Domain Needs

  • 24 Nov 2021
  • 6:30 PM - 7:45 PM
  • Zoom
  • 28



Flexibility in Metadata Schemes and Standardisation: the Case of CMDI and the DANS EASY Research Data Repository
By Vyacheslav Tykhonov, Jerry de Vries, Eko Indarto, Femmy Admiraal, Mike Priddy, and Andrea Scharnhorst

Presentation slides

The development of metadata schemes in data repositories (and other content providers) has always been a process of negotiation between the needs of the designated user communities and the content of the collection on the one side and standards developed in the field. Automatisation has both enabled and enforced standardisation and alignment of metadata schemes (see as an example). But, while designated user communities turned from being local users to global ones (due to web services), their specific needs have not vanished. Technology offers possibilities to give the aforementioned negotiation a new form. In this presentation, we present the Dataverse platform, used by many data repositories. We show - using the case of the CMDI metadata and the CLARIN (Common Language Resources and Technology Infrastructure)community - how the Dataverse common core set of metadata called Citation Block can be extended with custom fields defined as a discipline specific metadata block. In particular, we show how these custom fields can be connected to a distributed network of authoritative controlled vocabularies. So, that at the end semantic search is possible. The presentation highlights opportunities and challenges, based on our own experiences. Related work has been presented at the CLARIN Annual Conference 2021 (see Proceedings).

Adapting Flexible Metadata Support in Dataverse to the Needs of Domain-Specific Repositories: the Case of the Tromsø Repository of Language and Linguistics (TROLLing)
By Philipp Conzett and Helene N. Andreassen

Presentation slides

The Tromsø Repository of Language and Linguistics (TROLLing) is an international repository of data, code, and other related materials used in linguistic research. Established in 2014, TROLLing has since 2020 been CoreTrustSeal-certified as a sustainable and trusted research data repository. Running on the Dataverse software, TROLLing has so far been using a more general metadata schema which is provided by the repository software. Drawing on the work being done in projects like SSHOC and CLARINO+, the metadata schemas in TROLLing are being upgraded to meet the needs of our designated community, and the requirements and recommendations of international stakeholders like CLARIN (Common Language Resources and Technology Infrastructure) and the Research Data Alliance Linguistics Data Interest Group. The presentation will include a short introduction to TROLLing and discuss how community-driven efforts enable the repository to provide FAIR-aligned domain-specific support for linguists worldwide.

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