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  • KO-ED KOS Workshop - Practical Thesaurus Construction by Stella Dextre Clarke

KO-ED KOS Workshop - Practical Thesaurus Construction by Stella Dextre Clarke

  • 6 Jan 2022
  • 5:30 PM
  • 20 Jan 2022
  • 7:30 PM
  • Zoom


Application and registration are closed.

What does the workshop cover?
This highly interactive workshop explores practical issues that arise during thesaurus construction and/or development. It offers a self-help opportunity for participants to share their experiences with others, discuss issues and seek expert guidance from the workshop leader, before developing their own solutions. Programme content will be adjusted to reflect the interests and queries submitted by the participants.

Who will benefit?
No matter how much or how little experience/qualifications you have of thesaurus work, the workshop should provide useful insights. To get maximum benefit however, it’s best if you are hoping, or planning, or have already started a practical project such as building a new thesaurus for an information retrieval situation, or are re-developing an existing one. There will be opportunities to share with other practitioners the real-life choices that emerge, use cases, challenges, victories, lessons learned etc. 
A certificate will be issued for successful completion of the workshop.


Prior to acceptance for this course, participants are asked to submit a description of their current or planned thesaurus project via the application form, preferably including a list of the issues they hope to raise for discussion. Following notification of acceptance and registration, the successful applicants will be provided with some initial study materials, including an optional reading list. Queries arising from these materials will be addressed during the workshop.

The workshop sessions will take place remotely: online via Zoom, email and a closed online forum. Each of the three 90-minute sessions will comprise a mix of presentations (some from the participants as well as best practice guidance from the workshop leader), interactive dialogue, and practical exercises. Participants should set aside time between sessions to complete some exercises for discussion at the next session. To dispel any worries about confidentiality, the sessions will not be recorded and any materials shared by the participants will not be made available to third parties.

The online sessions are scheduled from 17.30 to 19:00 (GMT) on successive Thursdays in January 2022.

06 Jan 2022 - Thesaurus overview; content, concepts and terms
13 Jan 2022 - Getting organized with relationships and structure
20 Jan 2022 - Planning for thesaurus construction and use


Places are limited to 6 participants

To apply for a place in this workshop, please fill in the FORM.

To ensure the workshop is productive we will offer places to up to 6 applicants who are most likely to benefit and who share a certain amount of common interests. Applications should be submitted before 15th November 2021. Provided at least 3 (the minimum number for a viable workshop) are received, places will be confirmed before the end of November and receipt of payment will complete the registration.

For any query please contact events@iskouk.org.

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