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Research Observatory: FAIR Principles and Semantic Interoperability

  • 27 Oct 2021
  • 6:30 PM - 7:45 PM
  • Zoom
  • 38



FAIR + FIT : Functional Metrics for Linked Open Data (LOD) KOS Products
By Marcia Zeng

The presentation focused on the functionality assessment of the Knowledge Organization Systems (KOS) that were originally published as thesauri, classifications, taxonomies, term lists and were released as Linked Open Data (LOD) datasets. LOD KOS functions have been extended far beyond those of controlled vocabularies and taxonomies. They have become knowledge bases, the trusted resources for knowledge graphs, and fundamental components for the contextualization of data-driven and AI-dominated processes. It is essential that LOD KOS be measurable by developers and users for enhanced and effective usage, while encouraging innovative approaches for LOD KOS to be FAIR (Findable, Accessible, Interoperable, and Reusable) as open data, plus to be FIT (Functional, Impactful, and Transformable) as value vocabularies. These FAIR+FIT metrics were developed through a set of comprehensive data analyses and a comparative study of data collected on three occasions from 2015 to 2020. By using these metrics, any assessment performed on LOD KOS products can help address identified issues and support the creation and delivery of user-friendly, discoverable and interoperable LOD KOS datasets which can be used for innovative applications.

Recommendations for FAIR Semantics in the EOSC & Beyond: Approaches for Enabling 12 of the FAIR Principles
By Gerard Coen

The mission of the European Open Science Cloud (EOSC) is to provide a web of FAIR (Findable, Accessible, Interoperable, and Reusable) data and services for science in Europe. FAIRsFAIR – Fostering FAIR Data Practices in Europe – is a three year project for the implementation of the EOSC focusing on practical solutions for enabling the FAIR principles throughout the research data life cycle. The 'FAIR Semantics' team aims to support the creation of a federated semantic space for the EOSC by harmonising practices in the development and usage of semantics in representing and describing information and knowledge. It establishes guidelines for practitioners, repositories, research communities, and other stakeholders in the EOSC and FAIR ecosystems. The 2nd of three planned iterations contains 17 Priority Recommendations directly related to the FAIR principles; and 14 more general Best Practices aimed at harmonising the approach to handling, using and developing semantic artefacts. This presentation discussed the process followed in producing the recommendations; provided an illustrative example to show why they are needed; and also, highlighted features of the recommendations which will permit the work to be more easily understood and potentially adopted by the audience..

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