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ISKO UK Meetup: Knowledge Organization - everywhere!

  • 19 May 2020
  • 6:30 PM - 8:00 PM
  • Free virtual event (Zoom)

In this virtual Meetup, three speakers set the scene for what we hope will be a lively discussion on knowledge organization as we experience it in our everyday lives.

Aref Makooi looked into the power of KO in travel and shopping, Phil Stacey presented the case of KO in the built environment (building industry) and Simon Wilson showed KO in action using an example of the organization and curation of ISKO UK events recordings and presentations.

This was the first in the "Hidden World of Knowledge Organization" series in which we will be looking into situations and practices that can be understood and managed through the application of knowledge organization.

You can view slides below:

Hidden world of KO by Aref Makooi

KO built environment by Phil Stacey

2020-05-19--slides-ISKOUK-MEETUP-SWilson.pdfby Simon Wilson

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