This Meetup was a hands-on Data Visualisation session with Tara McDarby.
As well as being a member of ISKO UK, Tara McDarby is a masters student at the University of Borås, Sweden, where she studies at the school of Library & Information Science. She also works for Information Research, the open access and peer-reviewed journal.
Pitched at newcomers to the subject, this event provided an introduction to the subject, including the ability to follow Tara's actions yourself; software links can be found below in order to download the relevant tools.
Tara demonstrated how to use machine learning to produce data visualizations from textual data. The dataset used was from British Library Labs and can be downloaded here: File: EThOSCSV_201912.csv Using the software Python the talk covered the following steps:
Attendees who wanted to follow along using their own computer, needed to install:
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