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ISKO UK Meet-up: Taxonomy Chill-out

  • 16 Oct 2018
  • 7:00 PM - 10:00 PM
  • Hand and Flower Pub, 1 Hammersmith Road, Olympia, London W14 8XJ


Registration is closed

After the boot camp drill comes the chance to meet fellow knowledge organizers in a relaxed, social setting - ISKO’s popular Taxonomy Chill-out is running again this year.

The chill-out runs hand-in-glove with Taxonomy Boot Camp London, but is open to everyone. You don’t have to be attending Boot Camp to enjoy lively taxonomy conversation at the Hand and Flower.

 There is no charge for this event. And there is a welcome for everyone with an interest in the taxonomy community, whether members of ISKO or not, and without any obligation to attend the associated Boot Camp. To help us plan for the numbers, please register in advance.


16 October 2018 saw taxonomy enthusiasts from around the world converge on the Hand and Flower pub, which was the venue, once again, for the ISKO UK chill-out.

The chill-out is now a regular feature of Taxonomy Boot Camp London (TBCL) and is going from strength to strength, like TBCL itself.

There was a lovely atmosphere at the event, with lots of chatter, both serious and social, as about 50 colleagues had a chance to relax after Day 1 of the conference. It was a super environment for discussion and informal networking; giving everyone the chance to make new friends and catch up with familiar faces.

If you want to find out more about what went on at the conference then Heather Hedden’s Accidental Taxonomist bloghas a great summary and TBCL’s 2018 home pageincludes a listing of the speakers and topics over both conference days.

Save the dates: in 2019 TBCL will be held on 15 and 16 October.

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