The 17th International ISKO Conference. 6 – 8 July 2022
Aalborg (Denmark) and Online
Knowledge Organization across Disciplines, Domains, Services, and Technologies
We have received several inquiries regarding submission deadline extension. As this is the first time that the ISKO conference requires fully-developed papers for review, we have decided to extend the deadline for full papers, short papers, and posters to 05 January 2022.
Deadlines for submissions are thus:
Full papers, short papers, or posters for review: 05 January 2022.
Notification for acceptance of full papers, short papers, and posters: 01 March 2022
Round table discussions and workshop proposals: 15 February 2022.
Notification for acceptance of round table discussions and workshop proposals: 01 March 2022
Due to the continued uncertainty about COVID-19 travel restrictions, we have decided that the conference will be held both in person and online on 6-8 July 2022. All authors will have the opportunity to present their papers and posters, regardless of whether they attend in-person or online. The in-person location will be in Aalborg, Denmark.
Online attendance details will be provided when the conference program is published. Some conference activities, for example highly interactive workshops, may only be available for in-person participants.
Further details at: