The UK Chapter of the International Society for Knowledge Organization

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We are a not-for-profit scientific/professional association dedicated to promoting the theory and practice of Knowledge Organization (KO). We categorise, distinguish, name and relate things in ways that are meaningful and useful, and help us learn.  We deploy classification, indexing, taxonomies, data mining, semantic analysis, linked data, and other emerging technologies to reveal patterns and make sense of the knowledge landscape. KO adds intelligence and value to the representation, processing, storage and transfer of informationRead more here. 

ISKO UK Meetup events provide an opportunity for information professionals to share their experiences and exchange ideas for improving access to knowledge. The approach is  informal and friendly,  encouraging networking between professionals sharing an interest in Knowledge Organization. See Meetup schedule here. Past event videos are available on YouTube as 20242023 and 2022 playlists.

Knowledge Organization Research Observatory (KO-RO) is a series of free monthly online events dedicated to research activities and projects in the knowledge organization domain. Events feature reports and presentations on research projects that include, interact or affect the knowledge organization field. See more here.

Knowledge Organization Education (KO-ED) is a series of virtual classes for all those who want to learn , refresh or expand their understanding of knowledge organization principles and processes. Speakers include university lecturers, textbook authors, researchers and international experts. See details here.

Join ISKO in 2024

ISKO membership (any Chapter) gives you free access to ISKO UK educational events and the peer reviewed journal Knowledge Organization, and discounts on many ISKO books, seminars and conferences globally.

Our membership illustrates the breadth and variety of professions and roles where KO is a key element. 

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The UK Chapter of the International Society for Knowledge Organization

© ISKO UK 2024

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